Well good for him! I'm glad he felt secure enough to come out of the closet after all these years!
But come on, CNN, of all the pictures you could possibly have chosen to accompany the story, you chose this one?

but not as often as he used to.
Rob McCormick swivels in his office chair, pulls two bottled waters from a small fridge and hands one across his desk to a visitor. There’s nothing ostentatious about him or his office, but there is an energy you can feel in this CEO and in his company SAVVIS, headquartered in Town and Country.And here are the opening paragraphs of a story on CNN.com:
Unlike most CEOs, McCormick doesn’t have a corner office. He sits in a converted storage area that now has floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking two stories of flat screen displays and rows of computer monitors that make up SAVVIS’ St. Louis Global Operations Center (one of three, the others are in the UK and Singapore).
NEW YORK (AP) -- American Express is suing the CEO of a communications company for payment of $241,000 worth of disputed credit card charges at a Manhattan topless club.
American Express says in papers filed in state court that Savvis Inc. chief executive officer Robert A. McCormick was in the club Scores in October 2003 with at least three other men.
After McCormick got the $241,000 corporate credit card bill, Savvis called American Express and complained that some of the charges were fraudulent, the lawsuit says. The communications company said its chief disputed all but about $20,000, according to the lawsuit.