This comparison to Bush's words is the most unfair of all. As a man who is close to the earth—a gentleman farmer and rancher who is practically a naturalist—the president is well aware that wings and antlers are not compatible in nature.As a man of learning—a gentleman loser and rauncher who is practically unnatural—I believe what I read in books. I meet Zeno's challenge to my credibility with the most hallowed of academic traditions, the citation. Here is the source that sparked my dream:
Gygax, E. Gary. 1977. Monster Manual. Lake Geneva: TSR Hobbies, Inc.For those whose university libraries are not fortunate enough to have this rare volume on their shelves, I reproduce the relevant portion of page 78.

I stand vindicated! This combination of features is found in nature, and I shall grow them on my own body!
I do not, however, believe in imposing artificial timetables on my dreams. My wings and antlers will grow in their own good time. Until then, I will adapt to win.
Maybe I'll try some Rogaine. I hear that stuff works miracles.
Curses! Foiled again!
I just discovered your blog through Brad DeLong's economics blog - it's awesome, and anyone who referes to the brilliance of the contemporary theorist and systamizer Gary Gygax, wins my heart.
Ah, the Peryton. A noble beast, too often overshadowed by its more popular cousin, the Owlbear.
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